Sunday, October 26, 2014

While at Target the other day I found a new star wars toy line called Star Wars Commander.  The pack comes with an assortment of larger figures, around plastic army men sized as well as an AT-ST.  It ran me $9 to for the pack.  It was a shame there didn't have multiple in the pack but I have paid more than that for a single vehicle.  I don't game star wars but I as certain I could convert it for my 15mm Scifi gaming anyways.

As with any conversion project, I dug around in my assorted bits boxes and dug out all the possible parts I could imagine would work and proceeded to see what looked right.  I quite like the base shape of the walker so I didn't want to radically change the shape of it but I did want to bulk it out a bit.  I prefer my miniatures to be on the larger size when possible.

For this conversion I ended up only using a few pieces;

Khurasan Earthdoom Powerarmour Backpack
ClearHorizon - Drop Pod Door, Hydraulics, and Hatch
GW Vehicle Missile Launcher Cover 
HO Scale vent
Khurasan GOTA troops
Bandaging Gauze 

Here it is finished waiting to be based.  It is currently attached to the peg base it comes with but I will be adding it to a washer for more stability and to match the rest of my stuff.  I will also be adding a few decals once I get them.

I added the red "eye" to the front to match the rest of my drones for the force.  Netting and troopers painted to match the ground forces as well.  It was pretty painless to convert and thankfully my sloppy painting doesn't look too bad up close.  I am planning on getting at least one more but would like to make it a trio if possible.


Thanks for looking

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I am happy to say that my line of Workforce Heroes has been sold to Left Hand Miniatures,

I wish them the best and I look forward to seeing this line of miniatures out on the market again!